
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning Quiz Questions - Mississippi
Discerningly Versed - Effective Iterative Learning

Which mid-Mississippi river does Jackson lie on ?


Pearl River
Yazoo River
Mississippi River
Tombigbee River

Americas 2nd largest river that defines much of the border of Mississippi is


Pearl River
Yazoo River
Mississippi River
Tombigbee River

Mississippi is known as the


First State
Wolverine State
Constitution State
Magnolia State

Who was born in Tupelo, Mississippi on Jan 8th 1935 ?


Marlon Brando
Elvis Presley
Martin Luther King
John F Kennedy

In terms of US State wealth with a 2003 personal income of $23 406 Mississippi ranked


4th Poorest
2nd Poorest
3rd Poorest

The capital and largest city in Mississippi with a population of around 190 000 citizens is



The flag of Mississippi incorporates a


Confederate Battle Flag
Crescent Moon
Union Jack
Red Saltire

The population of Mississippi is around


1.5 million
6 million
500 000
3 million

Which of these areas lies on the coast with the Gulf of Mexico ?


Biloxi Gulfport
Meridian Hathiesberg
Jackson Yazoo City
Corinth Tupelo

Which 968 mile Interstate serves Jackson runs from Hammond, Louisiana to Chicago, Illinois ?


Interstate 10
Interstate 55
Interstate 20
Interstate 59

Discerningly Versed www.dniv.com 2012